Sunday, February 27, 2011

Maximum loss and minimal gain of SELF.

Helping people - wouldn't it be awesome if everyone got out of their own way to help people. If everyone stopped for a second in their busy lives and genuinely lent a hand to the needy.

After last nights service,  I felt challenged to actually help someone. And today I had that opportunity to help someone.

As I was walking down queen street today, I met a man - who looked like a up class businessman (suit and tie. You know.) - who stopped me dead on my tracks and started a conversation. "Excuse me mate. Do you have $1.80 you could lend me. I need to get back to newmarket and I accidentally locked my car keys and stuff inside." And for a split second all these thoughts came rushing through my head. "But I've only got $1.10 in my pocket. Its all I got. And how would I possibly get home if I gave him what I got." And so I gave him this unsure look and decided to reach inside my pocket and just give him what I got. (Although I really wanted to say no. You're probably paid more than I am. Oh how I would have said that)

Turns out I had more than I initially thought. More than he actually needed!

And I thought, wow! That's cool. Where did that come from. Haha. (Got more spare coins than you Mr. Businessman. Ha! Haha. Alright,  alright. I'm kidding.)

I think sometimes we get caught up in this thinking that we don't have anything, I don't wanna help this guy - bleh!, or who am I to actually help out, or I would love to but I don't have the resources to.

We get caught up in that thinking bubble and it actually hinders us from being a blessing or just a simple lending hand to someone. And more often than not you have to act out of faith. You only need to "reach inside" your pocket and find that God provides the resources. And when I say reach inside your pocket, I don't mean money. No not at all.  I mean be obedient. "I don't know how its going to happen but I'm trusting You on this one."  Kind of obedience. You got be obedient and see that you'll have the resources you need to keep on going - to keep on helping people. HE provides the resources. Don't let that thinking bubble stop you from helping out. Pop it!

On a similar note, problems. We all have them. Small ones, big ones, not so big ones, tiny ones, funny ones, 'problems that shouldn't be problems' problems, problems that have escalated - you name it. We have them, been through them, or we're dealing with them. We all have problems. But THAT certain problem should not stop you from helping other people out through theirs.

Although one might argue, "why would you help someone out with their problem if you've got a set of your own to worry about." Well then Mr. Smarty pants, would you then have an electrician fix his plumbing problem? You might then say, "that's simple, I'll get a plumber." Oh you might find a plumber but he would probably too busy worrying about his painting problem to help you out. Ha! Where is your argument now.

Its time to debunk that thinking. See society does not rely on a single set of abilities. Rather, it relies on a DIVERSE set of skills. You're weakness could be my strength or vice versa.

If everyone then was too caught up in their own problems, would anything then get solved? I'm not saying that you shouldn't fix your problems, please by all means do. What I'm saying is that DON'T LET IT GET IN THE WAY of you helping others through theirs.

Its time the world start acting SELFLESSLY and NOT SELFISHLY. Its time we stop letting greed, egoism run free within us.

Philippians 2: 3-4
"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."

Philippians 3:7-8
"But what things were gain to me, those I counted as loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,"

Its time we stop thinking 'maximum gain and minimal loss for me' and start thinking 'maximum loss and minimal gain of SELF'.

I CHALLENGE YOU! Help someone. Think of somebody aside from yourself. Go!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Through the fire.

There comes a point in time when everyone faces a certain storm in their life - certain trials. You could be at a season in life where your character, attitude, your beliefs, your faith could be tested. Or you could be at a point where you're enjoying the fruits of your labour.

Regardless of wherever you are or where you stand, or what season you're in, there will come a time where you would be tested.

But here's a post to those who are being tested, to those who's hearts are heavy, to those who feel burdened by their thoughts and emotions, to those who feel like just running away. You're not alone. You're not alone.

Right now we might feel like running away would be the right decision but the truth is its not. Now would be a perfect time to run TOWARD God and not away from Him. If you would read Matthew 11:28-30, He says "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden,  and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

I know it feels like your going through the fire. But think of yourself as a sword and God the blacksmith. You and I, are dull pieces of steel being made into something. And there's no other way to be made sharp and strong, other than through the fire - other than enduring that hammer.

You see, there is no doubt that we would face trials and/or tribulations. Its a given fact. The real question here, is who do you run to? Where do you run to? In whom do you find comfort in?

You have to understand that we serve a big and mighty God. John 16:33 reads, "These things I say unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In this world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

God is bigger than what we feel. He is bigger than where we're at.  He is bigger than your brokeness, than your pain, than your grief, than your sorrow, than your guilt, than your emotions, bigger than ANYTHING your going through. TAKE HEART! For He has overcome this world.

Would you choose to run away? or choose to run towards Him? I've made my decision. I'm running TO Him. What about you?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Be a matador!

Sometimes, if not all the time, you have to be a matador when dealing with sin - when dealing with the enemy.

As a matador, you would be up against something thrice your size, five times your weight (if not maybe even more), a creature faster than you are, stronger than you are. Just as David was up against Goliath. But I'd rather stick to the matador one for now, if you don't mind oh reader.

Often times you would find yourself up against things that seem to be bigger than you. Just as a matador would face a bull. Its intimidating, its scary, its hairy (alright thought I'd put that in just to make this entry sound not so serious), and its got horns. Anyway, maybe you'd think "gee how do I defeat this ugly, foul beast?" Well it's quite simple. You gotta be smart, well equipped (and I mean the armour of God equipped), and really grounded. And I mean grounded in faith, His word, in Christ. Not grounded go to your room. Ha!

You gotta be patient and ruthless at the same time when dealing with sin. Patient because it won't necessarily be done overnight, although in some cases it does. Ruthless 'cause if you really really wanted sin dead you gotta be cut-throat ruthless. Haha.

Just like a matador does, we should wait for the right time to stab that sword right into the bull. That sword being the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. (See Ephesians 6 - The armour of God.)
Again with my matador illustration, you stab that beast - you stab the enemy with the word of God. Cripple it, although its ideal to kill it. Kill it!

BUT WAIT!!! I hope you realise that I'm not promoting animal cruelty here. Far be it from that. This blog might get flagged. Just thought I'd put it out there. Haha.

Anywhos, just to sum things up. When the enemy says you're nothing, you could tell him to shut up. Because if you were indeed meaningless God wouldn't have had sent his son to die on that cross for you. The fact in itself that Christ died for you should mean a lot. If  there's a voice in your head saying you're going nowhere and there's nothing instore for you, read God's word - read Jeremiah 29:11. Stab that enemy with God's word.

Be a matador! Be a warrior! Be a man of God!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Its one thing to ACT Christian, but another to BE and LIVE like a Christian.

Acting like a Christian is completely different to living and being a Christian. I'm not saying its bad to act like a Christian. No not at all. Only that it's a whole different story as opposed to being one. I think maybe this post would be a bit controversial, but thought it's worth the uproar.

Let me define the parameters just so no one gets lost or misses the concept or takes things out of context. Well you see ACTING like Christian is all face value. Everything is just to please either someone or even yourself. Its all face value. BEING and LIVING like a Christian is not face value its more on a personal level with God not really caring whether what a person thinks of you.

People could ACT like a Christian (i.e. be kind to someone, show that they care, give gifts, come to church, and what not) but their motives behind that could be something sinister.

I think where I'm getting at here is that its not really what people see that truly matters. Its the HEART. Yes the heart!

You could be really nice to someone but deep inside you know you've already given them a fat lip. You could give a gift to someone. On the outside it looks very good but deep inside you'd be drawing it up later - it comes with strings attached so to speak. Why? Because the heart isn't right.

On the contrary, not all that doesn't look good means the motives behind it is wrong. Take your mum for example. When she tells you off or growls at you, on the outside you'd think its wrong. But stop and think, why would she do that? Why? Its because in her heart, she knows you could be better. She knows there's a golden nugget hidden somewhere. See, the motive behind that growl is good because her heart was set on the right thing. Which was to make you a better person.

Does that make sense? I don't really know if anyone of you that would possibly read this would get the point but I guess its worth a shot. Well if there is any that actually do read it.

Check your heart, and no not for your vital signs. You know what heart I'm talking about. COME ON! Focus. Check your heart, what are your motives? Where does your heart lie? But I think more importantly, is your heart right?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Here it goes...

I have been thinking of trying to 'blog' for the past few months. Seems like most people these days would rather blog than keep a journal. I'm more of that kind of person.. well used to be now that I'm starting this.

Anyways, where do I start? How are you supposed to start a blog anyway? Are you supposed to talk about yourself? what you'd rather be doing? what you aspire to be? you're secret admirer? oooohhh.. Haha! That wasn't really that funny wasn't it?

Alright, enough of that epic fail of a monologue. I've decided to make blog about the walk we have as Christians. Well I'm hoping that it would not just be that. Maybe more on life - the Christian life. Yes, life. Life it is. There seems to be A LOT to blog about life. I wouldn't have to think really hard about what to write about (although I most likely would). There is just so much to talk about life, why? I think its for the simple fact that we're living it.

Maybe this paragraph is where I now let you know a little bit of myself. Well for one I'm Filipino. No, not Philipino. Not Pilipino. Filipino. And yes, I am quite short. I won't even try to deny that. I know people 5 years younger than me who are taller than me. Like more than a foot taller. But its alright though, I don't really mind. I like music, wait no, I LOVE music. Every single time I say that the first response i get is, "oh! whats your favourite genre?" or "what kind of music do you listen to." To be perfectly honest, I don't particularly like any specific genre. I'll tell you what though, I'm not a fan of all these artists putting crap in their lyrics - which by the way don't even make sense.

I will begin to 'blog' about life as soon as I find my feet in this cyber journal. haha! And plus, I think thats way too much information on the first blog entry anyhow- "extrovesy" my mate calls it. Don't bother looking it up 'cause you wont find it in any dictionary, be it from Mars.

Alright! With that bombshell, I officially post this entry.
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