Monday, February 21, 2011

Be a matador!

Sometimes, if not all the time, you have to be a matador when dealing with sin - when dealing with the enemy.

As a matador, you would be up against something thrice your size, five times your weight (if not maybe even more), a creature faster than you are, stronger than you are. Just as David was up against Goliath. But I'd rather stick to the matador one for now, if you don't mind oh reader.

Often times you would find yourself up against things that seem to be bigger than you. Just as a matador would face a bull. Its intimidating, its scary, its hairy (alright thought I'd put that in just to make this entry sound not so serious), and its got horns. Anyway, maybe you'd think "gee how do I defeat this ugly, foul beast?" Well it's quite simple. You gotta be smart, well equipped (and I mean the armour of God equipped), and really grounded. And I mean grounded in faith, His word, in Christ. Not grounded go to your room. Ha!

You gotta be patient and ruthless at the same time when dealing with sin. Patient because it won't necessarily be done overnight, although in some cases it does. Ruthless 'cause if you really really wanted sin dead you gotta be cut-throat ruthless. Haha.

Just like a matador does, we should wait for the right time to stab that sword right into the bull. That sword being the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. (See Ephesians 6 - The armour of God.)
Again with my matador illustration, you stab that beast - you stab the enemy with the word of God. Cripple it, although its ideal to kill it. Kill it!

BUT WAIT!!! I hope you realise that I'm not promoting animal cruelty here. Far be it from that. This blog might get flagged. Just thought I'd put it out there. Haha.

Anywhos, just to sum things up. When the enemy says you're nothing, you could tell him to shut up. Because if you were indeed meaningless God wouldn't have had sent his son to die on that cross for you. The fact in itself that Christ died for you should mean a lot. If  there's a voice in your head saying you're going nowhere and there's nothing instore for you, read God's word - read Jeremiah 29:11. Stab that enemy with God's word.

Be a matador! Be a warrior! Be a man of God!

1 comment:

  1. I lol'd multiple times reading this one.

    Like this one I do.



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