Helping people - wouldn't it be awesome if everyone got out of their own way to help people. If everyone stopped for a second in their busy lives and genuinely lent a hand to the needy.
After last nights service, I felt challenged to actually help someone. And today I had that opportunity to help someone.
As I was walking down queen street today, I met a man - who looked like a up class businessman (suit and tie. You know.) - who stopped me dead on my tracks and started a conversation. "Excuse me mate. Do you have $1.80 you could lend me. I need to get back to newmarket and I accidentally locked my car keys and stuff inside." And for a split second all these thoughts came rushing through my head. "But I've only got $1.10 in my pocket. Its all I got. And how would I possibly get home if I gave him what I got." And so I gave him this unsure look and decided to reach inside my pocket and just give him what I got. (Although I really wanted to say no. You're probably paid more than I am. Oh how I would have said that)
Turns out I had more than I initially thought. More than he actually needed!
And I thought, wow! That's cool. Where did that come from. Haha. (Got more spare coins than you Mr. Businessman. Ha! Haha. Alright, alright. I'm kidding.)
I think sometimes we get caught up in this thinking that we don't have anything, I don't wanna help this guy - bleh!, or who am I to actually help out, or I would love to but I don't have the resources to.
We get caught up in that thinking bubble and it actually hinders us from being a blessing or just a simple lending hand to someone. And more often than not you have to act out of faith. You only need to "reach inside" your pocket and find that God provides the resources. And when I say reach inside your pocket, I don't mean money. No not at all. I mean be obedient. "I don't know how its going to happen but I'm trusting You on this one." Kind of obedience. You got be obedient and see that you'll have the resources you need to keep on going - to keep on helping people. HE provides the resources. Don't let that thinking bubble stop you from helping out. Pop it!
On a similar note, problems. We all have them. Small ones, big ones, not so big ones, tiny ones, funny ones, 'problems that shouldn't be problems' problems, problems that have escalated - you name it. We have them, been through them, or we're dealing with them. We all have problems. But THAT certain problem should not stop you from helping other people out through theirs.
Although one might argue, "why would you help someone out with their problem if you've got a set of your own to worry about." Well then Mr. Smarty pants, would you then have an electrician fix his plumbing problem? You might then say, "that's simple, I'll get a plumber." Oh you might find a plumber but he would probably too busy worrying about his painting problem to help you out. Ha! Where is your argument now.
Its time to debunk that thinking. See society does not rely on a single set of abilities. Rather, it relies on a DIVERSE set of skills. You're weakness could be my strength or vice versa.
If everyone then was too caught up in their own problems, would anything then get solved? I'm not saying that you shouldn't fix your problems, please by all means do. What I'm saying is that DON'T LET IT GET IN THE WAY of you helping others through theirs.
Its time the world start acting SELFLESSLY and NOT SELFISHLY. Its time we stop letting greed, egoism run free within us.
Philippians 2: 3-4
"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."
Philippians 3:7-8
"But what things were gain to me, those I counted as loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,"
Its time we stop thinking 'maximum gain and minimal loss for me' and start thinking 'maximum loss and minimal gain of SELF'.
I CHALLENGE YOU! Help someone. Think of somebody aside from yourself. Go!