Failure, defined as: (a)To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately; (b)To cease functioning properly; (c)To disappoint or prove undependable to.
Everyone has failed in as certain aspect in their life - I have. But what is it to truly fail? What is it that we actually do to be labelled a "failure"? What is it to fail?
Let's face it, We're bound to fail. Its part of us being human and I think we need to realise that. We can't be all that. I mean, you cant be good at everything. I bet even Albert Einstien wasn't a good dancer and wouldn't even dream of trying out for "dancing with the stars." I'm not sure that made any sense and neither am I certain enough to say that he wasn't a good dancer, but you get what I mean.
When Thomas Edison was asked how he felt to have failed 1000 times, he answered "I have not failed. I now know 1000 things on what not to do." Again there has been no real evidence to support this but its the concept that I find really interesting. He saw the so-called "failure" as a learning curb.
So what is it to really fail? Is failure about someone crossing the line before you do? Is it being inadequate and not up to par? I tell you what! its neither. Failing is when you decide not to get back up and run the race. Failure is when you decide not to shrug it off and keep on going. See the way the world views failure is when someone comes out a loser. Its clearly wrong.
Here's a video I stumbled on. It's quite old but worth a watch.
Derek Redmond, 1992 Olympics. By definition he's a failure. He failed he didn't finish with a medal - with no podium finish. He failed, or did he? No he didn't because he got back up and ran the race, no wait, he FINISHED the race.
See we all stumble in life, we make mistakes, we make wrong decisions, we sin. But failing is not about how many times we fall or how many times we came in last rather, failing is when you decide not to get back on your feet. Failing is when you decide to make that slip up define who you are. Its when you fall and decide to quit. Failing is when you learn nothing out of it. Failing is when you let that stop you from running the race.
I don't know exactly where you are in life but we all fall. Its just a matter of choice whether you get back up or whether you stop running. Would it stop you from running the race - your calling?
Hebrews 12: 1-2
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Run the race.